Hey everyone, just started the finishing touches of a game ive been working on, so ive started to create builds to see if i had any errors or issues in game. Unfortunately ive started running across this fatal error.
Fatal error: [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\HAL\MallocBinned2.cpp] [Line: 1438]
FMallocBinned2 Attempt to realloc an unrecognized block 00000205423D0000 canary == 0x0 != 0xe3
It appears to be happening completely randomly, and i dont know the first place to start figuring out how to fix this. One person commented that switching to a different renderer might help, but I was unable to launch the game at all using vulkan. Any pointers or places to start to fix this issue?