Fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file ‘delayimp.lib’

I am getting an error trying to compile my code project from within Unreal Editor. I am on Windows 8.1 64bit, UnrealEngine 4.3 (no source code) and Visual Studio 2013 professional. steps I take to reproduce error are:

  1. Create a new project based off of Blueprint Third Person (include starter content) at C:\Users[USER]\Documents\Unreal Projects[ProjectName]
  2. File → Add Code to Project
  3. Select Actor as class type
  4. Change Name to HelloWorld
  5. Edit code
  6. Build Solution (in VS2013) (I get error: fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file ‘windows.h’)
  7. Go into Project properties
  8. Change configuration to All Configurations
  9. Go to Configuration → VC++ Directories
  10. For Executable Directories, Include Directories, and Library Directories remove option and unselect Inherit from parent or project defaults
  11. Hit apply
  12. For Executable Directories, Include Directories, and Library Directories, change to inherit from parent or project defaults
  13. Build Solution (in VS2013) (success)
  14. Close Visual Studio
  15. Close Unreal Editor and Reopen project (now recognizes source project … has compile option in main menu and can reference HelloWorld class)
  16. Compile project (from within UnrealEngine)
    a. Error: fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file ‘delayimp.lib’

If I make changes to code I can compile in visual studio but editor has to be closed and only when it reopens does it recognize any code changes. Any idea what issue can be with compile function in Unreal Editor?

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Hey Peter,

compile function in Editor can only handle smaller changes to code, such as variable adjustments. Anytime you create a new UCLASS-decorated class, UFUNCTION-decorated function, or UPROPERTY-decorated variable, you will need to re-open Editor to see changes.

Hope that helps clear things up!