Hi, is there a way to quickly save a version of your project and continue working. I know you can clone inside the Epic Launcher, is there a more efficient way?
Hi, is there a way to quickly save a version of your project and continue working. I know you can clone inside the Epic Launcher, is there a more efficient way?
Version control, it is not just for co-op but also to keep backups and let revert to any commit you made, you can also look up on old version of files and do edits manually on things you need, it actually it’s most basic function. You also don’t need any online service for this, you can just use git which is 100% offline aspecially if you work solo.
Is git an external server? is that even secure?
Git is a local service, so it’s completely secure. You can use the whole system on one machine offline, like said. If you’re thinking of GitHub that’s different, that’s a cloud host for git.