Hi everyone,
I have a scene (think of it as a showroom of sorts) where there are multiple cine cameras pointed at an item (currently 4 cameras, but could be more).
When I press a button, I want to be able to save a 4k image from each cine camera to jpg file.
Without going into detail, speed is crucial here.
For capturing, what I am currently doing is to follow the approach mentioned in here:
https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/saving-images-from-a-camera-in-the-game-environment-readpixels-too-slow/88994, i.e. a modified version of the FrameGrabber (see https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/76085d1106078d8988e4404391428252ba1eb9a7/Engine/Source/Runtime/MovieSceneCapture/Private/FrameGrabber.cpp)
Since I have 4 cameras, I am currently setting my View Target to the first camera, then take a screenshot, then switch to the next camera with “Set View Target with Blend” and take a screenshot, and so on.
It currently takes about 0.12 seconds for each screenshot. So by the time you take 4 screenshots, half a second is gone.
Ideally, I really want to be able to take all screenshots at the same time.
Is there a different approach to doing this?
Thanks so much.