Fastest boat ...

The Rescuers :slight_smile:

Great video.

Was this the movie with that really awesome song in it as well (the name of which I’ve forget)?

Maybe it was the sequel.

Does anyone have any idea what I’m even referring to?

~ Jason

Nope, not The Rescuers. Thanks for the link though.

I just remember going to Disney World and checking into the Wilderness Lodge.

While I waited, I was by the TV and a movie was playing (for the life of me I can’t remember which). On screen a mouse was singing while looking at the stars and then across the city (or something like that) a female mouse was singing as well (I think it was one of those situations where they were singing about the opposite character).

All I can remember now is that I felt so sad (in a good way) while listening to the song.

~ Jason

It was probably An American Tail:

This song? >>

Here is the soundtrack version:

Oh my!

How did you know!?

You’re my hero, man!

Thanks a ton.

Now I can go relive my childhood!

~ Jason

I know because I am 49 and still a child. :slight_smile:

That’s the best type of 49 year old to be.

~ Jason