Fast Noise Generator

Hey guys, I have just published the Fast Noise Generator plugin (FNG), and it’s FREE!!!

It’s a blueprint-friendly, well-documented noise generation library coded on C++. This plugin it’s basically a UE4 wrapper for Auburns’s FastNoise library.

I’ve used this wrapper for noise generation on my Procedural Terrain Generator plugin](Procedural Terrain Generator in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace).

It offers blueprint nodes for complete usage and it’s also available to use on C++.
The first thing you will need is a Fast Noise Wrapper reference constructed (with CreateDefaultSubobject function on C++ or with Construct Object from Class node on blueprint), then setup it and finally getting a 2D/3D value of the noise.

Please, ask any question you have and tell me what do you think about it.

Thanks to everyone who tries it, hope you like it! don’t forget to post your creations with it, and rate it on the marketplace :slight_smile:


I think this is wonderful and thank you so much for sharing. I am certain this is obvious, but for people like me who are still new-ish, would you consider making a short setup tutorial video?

Hi! I’m not considering it right now, but if I have many requests i would do it without problem :slight_smile:

Tell me all questions or problems you have when setting it up and I’ll answer you as soon as I can.
Yo also have all the documentation here: FNG_documentation.pdf - Google Drive


Hello. What am I doing wrong here?

It compiles without error but at runtime I get “Blueprint runtime error: accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_spawnObject_ReturnValue”

I’m glad you included documentation but without knowing how this tool works, it’s not very clear.


Hi! Sorry but I think you uploaded an image that won’t show, I cannot see the image you posted. Have you created the FastNoiseWrapper object before Setup?

this you should do. I’m struggling to figure out how to utilize this tool. i am newish to unreal, more or less has been several years since i messed with any of it, and something so simple as random terrain you wouldn’t think would be such a pain.

I was thinking of using this then buying the Procedural Terrain Generator plugin but unfortunatly am also new and would really benefit from a tutorial video as requested above.

This tool looks awesome, but the documentation is awful and there are no sample files accessible. Please add a tutorial video or a sample project.


Thanks! Really useful tool, any plans for UE5 support?

Here you go buddy - GitHub - Fetiska/Unreal-Procedural-Terrain-Generation-CPP: Procedural terrain generation in Unreal Engine using Diamond Square algoritm and C++
This is not my code, but some kid that made a good Youtube tutorial for that code, I recommend. I used that code/tutorial, but changed call to “native” perlin noise from example to use this library (UE 5.1).