Fantasy castle assets


i hope somebody can help finding the right asset.

I want to create a fantasy-like castle without being stylized.
As a reference i use Beauclair Palace from The Witcher Wild Hunt.

My problem is, that i cant find a good modular asset. Any recommendations?

Thanks in advance!

Kitbash is very good

Used in many movies.

Something you have to watch out for though, is that buildings may not be enterable.

Or this

is enterable.

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both of them are stunning! But my fav. is Kitbash. Sadly its seems not modular and i want to make sure everything is enterable. But thats the style i was looking for!

thank you :slight_smile:

There are many on the marketplace

The KB is always modular, it’s just not obvious, because the modular parts are very small in the overview :slight_smile:

But yes, often not made for entry.

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I have seen those too. But these kinda feel… to realisitic(?)… imo its missing the fantasy touch.

i hope u know what i mean :smiley: Maybe i have to try them out. Never judge a book by its cover i guess ^^

Do you want more stylized?

nah, graphicly those are completly fine. Its more… the architecture.
but i think i will go with the second one and tweak it so it fits for me. like higher roofs and make it brighter.

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