False Additive displacement of the bones

In 4.11 and earlier versions, everything worked well, when switching on animation parameters remained the same and correctly worked Aimoffset, and when you go to 4.12 to cease Adiitive settings.

When compiling error is written:
LogAnimation:Warning: Setting an additive animation (Правая_Рука_Далеко) on an AnimSingleNodeInstance is not allowed. This will not function correctly in cooked builds!

This error occurs on all models, without exception, in all conditions.

How to fix it?

All the problems of the topic have found a solution.

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Hey Miheev2,

We had another user with this issue, but they stopped responding before I was able to reproduce it.

Do you happen to have an example project you could send me with this issue? You can PM me a download link on the forums.

I created a new project, removed all unnecessary out, he is archived and sent to you in private messages on the forum.
Read more in the message.

Hi Miheev2,

This error is expected when you have an additive aimoffset/blendspace without a base pose (preview or in an animgraph). You can add a preview base pose in the details panel of your aimoffset.

However, I did track down a bug where AimOffset ContentBrowser thumbnails would become corrupt when upgrading from 4.11 to 4.12, this causes that warning message to spam your output log. It is entered as UE-31661.

Thank you! I managed to fix existing idle animation.
I opened each animation participating in AimOffset, The Additive settings I pressed on Bone pose Type and choose the Reference Pose.

Animation began to work properly, but the error does not disappear, and even add new ones:
“Ensure condition failed: Bone.IsRotationNormalized () [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.12+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Animation\AnimNodeBase.cpp] [Line: 265]
Bone Rotation not normalized from AnimInstance: [Kostyum_Skeleton_AnimBlueprint_C /Engine/Transient.World_34:PersistentLevel.Miheev_C_189.CharacterMesh0.Костюм_Skeleton_AnimBlueprint_C_193] Node: [AnimNode_Base] Rotation: [X = 0.000000000 Y = 0.000000000 Z = 0.000000000 W = 0.000000000]
And he began to take off engine when compiling blueprints of my character. (Miheev)

Like I said, the AimOffset thumbnail may become corrupted and will cause the error to continue appearing in the log. Can you try recreating your AimOffset from scratch and deleting the old one?

That’s not an option and the error is still showing up in 4.20, with content generated then upgraded from 4.19.


@Miheev2 Just go ahead and remove this entire block from the engine, everything seems to be working just fine in editor, without the 30-60 seconds long waiting for the crash reported to finish with this nonsense:

[14578.45][252]LogStats: FPlatformStackWalk::StackWalkAndDump - 36.251 s
[14578.45][252]LogOutputDevice: Error: === Handled ensure: ===
[14578.45][252]LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: Bone.IsRotationNormalized()