Falling true the world

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to make a map and because i’m not good I watch tuts. On a certain point u need to use level streaming for making it compact. But when I try totest the map after I glitch trough the world. This happens when I’m check the Enable World Composition in the world settings. If it’s unchecked the map works fine. Does someone know the answer pls!

A GIF as sample: Screen capture - 7d6c2194b1ae06a93462150b5e2e7c98 - Gyazo


After searching a day I found the solution beneath a video where someone also had this problem.
What u need to do (if you got the same problem) u need to uncheck the “Enable World Origin Rebasing” box. When u do this it won’t happen again.
hopefully it will help someone!