Fall Guys Tools: Feedback Thread

Fall Guys island templates are now available, and we want your feedback! As you build Fall Guys islands, feel free to post feedback about the templates, tools, and the Bean to this thread so that with your help, we can continue to make improvements.

I created a few assets using the Modeling tool in UEFN and wanted to reuse them in the Fall guys map. I tried migrating, but it seems static meshes are all ignored and cannot be used in the new project.

How can I add them to my new project?

UPDATE: If you notice imported assets (such as static meshes or materials) are missing in the content drawer and cannot be selected in the drop-downs, close UEFN and reopen it again and they should appear. I think it is a bug and all assets should be available when you load project (wo the need to restart UEFN).

In UEFN Fall Guys has a few new templates. The starter template drops you into the corner of the map. Why not have UEFN start in same place as Creative at front middle?

In Fortnite Creative is a different template and works better
Now if you import the Fortnite Creative (Fall Guys) FG same starter template.
The Character now looks completely different to the original Fortnite Creative Character, even though this came from Creative.

Something is changing and there will be designers wont be happy with this, and a bit confusing
maybe the gender of the main character has been changed?

Creative users are at a MAJOR disadvantage. There is no way to rotate props. The only way to rotate anything mid-game is using UEFN.


Just chewing through the Fall Guys Starter map, looking how things are hooked up. A few things I’d like to understand better:

  • Hop Flower, I can’t browse to this asset. The only way to add more, is to duplicate the asset in the map itself.
  • Platform movement, I was curious as to how this was being achieved. Is the suggested method to go through Verse?


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Fall guys props collision disabled when player has no movement.

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Will be available Player Reference Devices?

i’m not seeing a good way to have props rotate even using UEFN, why give us rotating obstacles that we cant rotate?

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Might be my ignorance but it seems like we were given a bunch of dumb body props without built in functionality that they would have in a normal fall guys game, rotating devices and platforms are stationary, there isnt a built in function for the puncher or flippers, moving platforms arent native, and at least for me the bouncing items are not bouncy. If I am missing something please let me know! I was really excited for these things to be usable as is but now I am racking my brain to think of how to make them work as intended with UEFN tools. Also slightly off topic but the item mover shows that it should rotate items but I cannot ungrey those options. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated!

hi all,
My intention in this post is to edit and add to the list of problems. These may be errors on my behalf when I read more.
(FG) short for Fall Guys, (FC) short for Fortnite Creative 2.0


FC FG has a Female Gender person in FG startup template. Works on FC Android now still not UEFN

The reason seems to be that UEFN FG does not have the Female Gender person in the FG Templates maybe Verse. The UEFN Verse convertor and UEFN FG templates need to be checked and amendeded.


My problem is about the Audio player when trying to use this in UEFN
Using the UEFN FG Starter could not get the Audio Device to work.

Answer is
Any license of the content must be broad enough to grant Epic a license consistent with the Fortnite Island Creator Rules.

Please note that content that is blocked by our audio filter, which is intended to keep infringing content out of Fortnite, cannot be published at this time, even if you have otherwise obtained a license.


I think Dive is incorrectly mapped to Crouch (Ctrl on PC) by default. In the docs it says it should be shift.

It would be cool if there were settings to control or turn off the ragdoll state when diving into objects.

Sliding on ice without diving should not be supported but after diving beans should slide on their tummy.

A lot of devices are not allowed in fall guys maps. I hope it is only because they haven’t been tested and you are going to add them at some point.

Thanks for the music! I only wish there were two variants of each song (with and without loop).

hi all,
FG (Fall Guys Starter Template) Audio asset music is the subject of Copyright Moderation

see Asset Status - Issues found. Unable to publish a map - Audio file Moderated

The Input Trigger device is almost useless, as it doesn’t count either creative input or standard for the beans. For example, you can’t disable leaping forward or jumping by consuming the input.
We need the Input Trigger to work properly.

VFX Powerup would also be great so we can make cosmetics etc.

Mutator Zone doesn’t seem to work properly either, un-ticking the Allow Jumping doesn’t do seem to work as the Beans can still jump.


Somehow I ended up with multiple copies of the same player (for example, 2 players but 3 bean skins)

hi All,
Wheres the Fall Guys documentation?, There is a sparse Building using Fall Guys Starter template
Where is the document on how to build the same as FG Startup in the blank FG templates.

These are not steps but leaps!! needed.

I observe normal player skin (Fortnite skin) instead of bean skin in the game mode, also I can see bean skeletons.

I try to fix on my side but it seems Hide() on fort character does not work.

The fall guys prefabs and galleries are in normal Creative. Is this intentional? Will I be required to share payouts with Mediatonic for using them?

No you won’t need to share the payout but must conform to the
Intellectual Property (IP) and DMCA Guidelines for Fortnite Island Creators

Even if third-party intellectual property otherwise exists in Fortnite (such as Locker items and Characters based on movie or TV characters), you do not have the right to use that content to create your island without a separate license from that third party.

But how do I activate the stuff for IP regarding Fall Guys

Hi from documents
Publishing from the Creator Portal | Fortnite Creative Documentation | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)

  1. On the Attributions tab, Select Add New Attribution to acknowledge any attributions necessary for third-party content.