Hello, I’m creating an infinite horizontal scroller, with the pawn static in the middle, I detect the collisions using on component begin overlap, but sometimes it triggers without overlapping anything, check the attached video.
(video of the issue)
The level is built spawning actors that are attached to the base floor actor at the bottom then the floor actor is moved with a scripted movement.
There are two types of actors tagged with LevelPart and GoalZone, whenever you touch a GoalZone (the red collider in the middle) you score a point, but when you overlap a LevelPart the ActorControlle is disabled and physics are enabled to make the ball bounce and stay in the floor.
In the video you can clearly see the ball touching a GoalZone but triggering an overlap with a BP_Column which is a LevelPart tagged actor.
There is an interesting phenomenon I observed while trying to debug with draw sphere, it seems like the sphere x and y are correct but the z axis is 0 instead of being where the ball begins overlap with the mesh.
Album with related blueprints
Let me know if there’s anything else I can provide to help debug this issue.