Fake Mesh intersections using POM and PDO

Today I learned that you can create fake mesh intersections using POM and PDO.

I wanted to get some nice depth with POM, but when it came to overlapping meshes it fell a bit short. Turns out you can take your PDO output from the POM node and plug it into your material’s PDO input. From what I’ve read from Ryan Brucks, PDO doesn’t work too well with dynamic lighting, so you end up with some lighting artefacts. BUT I found a temporary fix for this.

If you disable shadows on the mesh instance, Duplicate it and move it behind a bit, then re-enable shadows on that instance. it fixes the most glaring lighting issues. Correct me if I’m wrong or going about this a dumb way, but it seem to work for the time being and I though id share this, as I can see it having lots of uses. From what I can tell its “relatively” cheap, compared to a higher poly mesh. I could see this being used in a production setting to save some time.

let me know what you guys think and if you have any better ways of going about this! :smile: