Fake & bot reviews on the marketplace

Increasingly I see reviews on the marketplace that seem to be either fake or made by bots, for example these three:

or this one:

I see them popping up more and more, sometimes with no text like in the screenshot, sometimes with some seemingly bot generated text and sometimes duplicate reviews under the same asset.

Reporting them using the report button (the flag) does nothing (what is the button even there if it doesn’t work?), and with the amount of assets on the marketplace it’s impossible to report them all.

Can the marketplace team please take some action against these fake reviews? My suggestion would be to introduce a minimum amount of words & automatically remove any reviews that just contain signs / are under the minimum word limit.
Because let’s face it, even if some real person makes a review that does just say “awesome” that is not helpful at all AND having no requirements for reviews just invites the review abuse through fake accounts / bots to happen.



Thanks for your concern. These are valid reviews and questions that have had to have information redacted due to Epic’s company-wide data privacy and security policies. The star ratings are valid and unaltered, but we’ve redacted the open text content.

I agree with your larger point that a review that little to no context provides less value, and that’s something we’re working to solve for Fab.


Hey Josh, thanks for the reply. Wouldn’t it be better then to, instead of making the comments a “-------------”, to use a text like “Comment hidden due to privacy policy”?

But in any way I would rather delete these reviews, because they are confusing and don’t provide any useful information for the marketplace customers. The people who made these comments could just make a new one that doesn’t breach the pricacy policy.


Thanks for the feedback, I agree that the dashes were unclear. For anything that’s been moderated since the initial pass, the messaging now reads “RECORD DELETED.” This is language we’ve historically used when someone has their information deleted, and should at least give a better indication of why details are missing.

There is value in keeping the posts so that the star ratings are intact, and sometimes the information in the responses were valid, even though they’re missing some context.

Why can your bot not detect coherent sentences? Why is your system allowing star only reviews? Fix these 2 problems. No more bot reviews. Heck theres free AI out there to do it for you at no cost. I’m sick of seeing poster: SEDFGSET#@%, Ranking: 5 stars, Review: fasodhfoiaushfo.

SERIOUSLY UNREAL TEAM, its not a hard fix.

Those lazy gibberish Reviews are most likely Verification for proof-of-purchase using the Key Icon to get support from the publisher. I still don’t consider them “Valid” and highly dislike the practice because it artificially inflates the review ratings. I also don’t want see these gibberish ‘verifications’ flooding the Questions section. I would vote for a separate one-time post category named “Verified”.