Faint grid pattern on edges of additive material.


I am working on an Aurora for a project. Can anyone tell me why this weird grid pattern is showing up and possibly how to eliminate the odd grid pattern on the edges of the aurora?

Uhh, it all depends on so many things:

  • is that material on 2d plane mesh, and it is just texture?
  • is this in 2d widget material

For skyboxes, use material with HDRI like spherical coordinates. That gives best results. There may be online tools that can produce spherical textures out of cubemaps.

You can also(hopefully) get rid of it by resizing aurora texture so edges are out of screen/mesh UVs.

Really you gave not enough information to guess what may cause it.

Ps. your aurora texture may have 1 pixel width edge artifacts.

pps. Is aurora made from texture or it is niagara system. I think niagara would work best for this.

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This is an additive material using 2 panning textures on a 1 pixel width 2d plane mesh. The mesh is manipulated using sine waves.

The resizing doesnt help, the grid pattern shows up no matter the texture size within UV’s or not. :frowning:

The mesh and material will eventually be used in conjunction with a Niagara System to produce several of the meshes as a group.

Seam may be caused by texture or material shader. Try rescaling material just before result is sent to material node. Also try to create similar material that instead of texture uses plain vector 4 node with color.

You need to see if that is texture (probably not it), or something in shader.

I just found out I cannot even use this setup anyway. I cannot put these behind clouds, due to the additive material not being obscured by clouds and masked does not give the desired effect. :frowning: