failing to validate unreal engine 5 files

Its stopping and when it stops it says resume.
When I click resume it just asks me to download it again and asks me for path where to download it. How do I fix this?

Hey there @FusionLineGames! Welcome to the community! Did the download crash during validation? If you were to delete the files in the path you downloaded it to initially or the packages for it from the launcher you maybe able to complete the download. You can find the final files in your launchers primary directory for games/engines.

I tried everything, even reinstalling it again 2 times. It stops at the exact same moment every time.

Could you enable debug logging in the launcher’s settings and try the download again? After that you could take a look into the logs in the same settings area.



do I really need to download it again or is there any other fix because i downloaded it 4 times already?

Sorry about that, the debug logs could give us some insight into why it’s failing if there’s any errors be it network, storage, permissions, etc. So basically without the debug information we can just keep trying to find similar cases. The logs aren’t a smoking gun either, they might not tell us much at all.

its downloading again with debug logging enabled but I see no show logs button.

okay, i found the logs but they are like 2gb so I cant open it in normal notepad, what do I do?

Do you have another text editor that can handle the files, i.e, VS Community or Sublime? I personally use VS for most of my projects.
It could be an issue with the desired path since it seems like you’ve been trying to download it multiple times - if you give downloading another try I’d recommend changing the desired folder path to ensure a new download is truly commencing, rather than it trying to pick up where it left off.
I hope this can help!

Hi, it seems it downloaded this time so its now good.

If this happens to anyone else just dont stop the download it will verify eventually (for me it took 3h), if you stop the download (kill the process, turn off pc) it will say resume and you wont be able to resume after that and you will need to download it again.

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