For some reason I appear to be unable to package anything successfully, I tried it with the 2 minute getting started tutorial world you make but that didn’t work. So I figured it was probably some setting I goofed up or something and decided to try it with a sample (tappy chicken) to see if that worked… also failed. Here’s a log of the package process ( UE4 packaging errors - ), it seems to be particularly cranky about something relating to PhysX, this line in particular seems relevant to highlight:
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Program.Main: ERROR: Exception in AutomationTool: No files found to deploy for C:\UE4\Unreal Engine\4.4\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\PhysX\APEX-1.3\Win64\VS2012 with wildcard *.dll and exclusions System.String[]
for reference I am using the toolkit you download from the launcher, not one I built myself in visual studios
It turns out you need to have visual studios 2013 installed (express or pro, but 2012 pro does not work), despite that being mentioned literally nowhere on the packaging page Packaging Unreal Engine Projects | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
Would be nice if someone could add that to reduce some confusion.
Does this include even the Blueprint project ( non c++) templates? I’m having the same issue and it’s very frustrating that it tries to make it seem like this isn’t necessary unless you use a C++ project template. I’m switching over from Unity and this almost made me go belligerent because of the fact I’m actually paying for this and can’t build the simplest thing whatsoever and this is supposed to be far superior. The editor is great ,but when it comes to building the actual project, nothing works right. I’m installing Visual Studio 2013 express and if this doesn’t work… mmmmm… I don’t know man starting to have my doubts here.