This comes up while trying to package
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.03.19-14.16 - - Output log - #1 paste tool since 2002! - cook txt
This comes up while trying to package
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2015.03.19-14.16 - - Output log - #1 paste tool since 2002! - cook txt
Hey Clonez,
Could you please upload your cook.txt file to your next reply? When I click on the link, it says it’s over a certain kb and isn’t permitted on free accounts. Also, would you please provide me the steps that you’re taking to package your project, and which type of project are you trying to package? Is it blueprint or c++?
Looking forward to hearing from you, thanks!
[Cook text][1]
34948-cook.txt (1.22 MB)
My project is quite new and made on third-person template, should be default settings mostly
it’s all made of blueprints and for packaging i didnt do anyhing but File → Package project → win64 / dev build
Hey Clonez,
I’ve looked over your and I’m not quite sure what’s causing the issue. With that being said, I’ve entered a bug report for this crash. If you need to reference this bug, please refer to: UE-12182
Thank you!
Hi Clonez,
I believe for some reason your local content has become corrupted due to this error.
[2015.03.19-17.51.31:552][ 0]LogLinker:Warning: The file ‘…/…/…/…/…/…/Users/Elkku/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject2/Content/StarterContent/Materials/M_Crosshair.uasset’ contains unrecognizable data, check that it is of the expected type.
In the launcher you can run a verify content to make sure that the editor content is correct and redownload anything which is incorrect.
Let me know how this goes.
Whelp my other Question got shut and the problem is still very much present…
Your other question was the same question; this is to keep all possible answers consolidated so we can track what works and what doesn’t work. Please only open a new thread for a different issue.
Have you attempted the fix suggested by MrFred, that the material he linked has become corrupted? Did you run the verify content? Have you tried removing that material from your project?
Further, we have submitted a issue for this, and it is listed in the other comments. We will absolutely update here when we have more information regarding this problem.
Thanks very much.
yeah, i have tried that solution, it didnt work sadly
Hey Clonez,
Since you’ve already tried the suggestion from MrFred, I must ask if you’ve also tried the suggestion from Wittlief? They suggested that you completely remove that material from your project and see if you still receive the error. I’m curious to know if this has been tried yet?
Also, have you tried migrating that specific material to any other project and tried to package it? I’d like to know if it provides you with the same error or not.
Thank you!
should i migrate the whole project? i have no idea what settings that resets, i have previously had problems with decals which needed tweaking in .ini folder, do i need to do those again?
EDIT: you probaply ment that i should just migrate the corrupted asset, i could try that
You should really try both. Try the asset first and then if that does not work, go ahead and try migrating the whole project, as that has been successful for many users recently who have seen corruptions in assets/projects.
What you might do before you migrate, just to make sure there aren’t any instances of the bad asset hanging around is this:
Delete from your Engine folder: DDC
Delete from your Project folder:
Intermediate, Saved, Binary and DDC
Restart your computer.
Then try the migrations. It will take much longer for shaders to compile this time, so hang in there. Let us know how it turns out!
I dont know why or how but im 100% sure i deleted Crosshair.uasset before, somehow it was still there, this time when i deleted it i was again able to pack the game! hurray! im sorry if i wasted your time… i srsly dont know how that .uasset file got back there
EDIT: and huge thanks, i was getting pretty desparete
Hey Clonez,
You’re very welcome for all of the help provided by Epic. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to create a new post on AnswerHub!
Have a wonderful day!