Failed to save level because of Blueprint actor

UE5.1, I imported assets from 3DMax, added some elements in the hierarchie (some are blueprint instances containing only static meshes), then I “convert the selection into blueprint class” and choose “harvest components”.
Things behave normally in editor and sequencer, but whenever I attemp to save a level including the blueprint, it freezes for some minutes and then fails to save the level asset.
No problem if the blueprint is not in the level, the blueprint itself can be saved, and if the blueprint is made as “child actors” there is also no problems.

Hi YitaiArts,

Are there any errors in the logs when it happens? I’ve had the same thing happen, but can’t remember what I did to fix it - possibly something to do with no default Root Component maybe?

Hello, thank you for your answer!

Yes there is this message :
Can’t save D:/Dropbox/00 Yitai shared data/00 Projects/Shengyia/ShengyiaFixture/Saved/Autosaves/Game/00Shengiya/ShengiyaMain_Auto1.umap: Graph is linked to external private object DatasmithStaticMeshComponentTemplate /Game/00Shengiya/BP/BP_332v3.BP_332v3_C:PiedFixe333_StaticMeshComponent0_GEN_VARIABLE.DatasmithAssetUserData_0.DatasmithStaticMeshComponentTemplate_3 (ObjectTemplates)

I double checked the components (default root, etc.) following your idea and I thought that was it (it would also make sense as the child actor blueprint works), but the problem is still here.

I keep looking,
thanks again

Yes maybe your error has a different cause. I fixed mine in C++ by using the following lines:

	USimpleConstructionScript* sConScript=bpClass->SimpleConstructionScript;

I’ve seen Forum posts where people can fix it by “Refreshing All Nodes” from the Blueprint Editor:


Thank you, yes I saw these posts too
It might have something to do with recursion, but I’m no expert.
For example: DataSmithScene>Blueprint: fine
DataSmithScene>Duplicate>Blueprint: Level doesn’t save
But some modifications on the scene seem to trigger the error even without duplication, I’m trying to see which

That sounds like it could be the DataSmith Asset User Data - in your Blueprints, check to see if any of the components have any AssetUserData entries, and remove them if they are there…


Many thanks, that’s just it
I couldn’t find that myself and the workarounds were unsatisfying, so your help is precious here
Wish you the best!


Is there a way of removing this data for all components in my BP all at once?

Edit - yes, it was rather simple actually :slight_smile: :

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Thank you very much! I solved the error with this! <3

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Was having the same problem and this seems to have fixed it as well! not sure what the asset user data is but is it there a reason you would want Asset user data?

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It’s a great way to store agnostic information in any actor. The DataSmith AssetData contains data used for storing extra information used in DataSmith assets - not usually needed though, especially after packaging.

I use DataAssets to store default runtime instancing information and randomization information - having it directly in the actual asset means anything using those assets can use that rather than having to specify details such as cull distances, shadows, collision types etc every time you want to use it - mostly useful during editing.

I wouldn’t go randomly removing AssetData unless you’re having issues - it may break things.