I downloaded the 4.11.0 source code from github, and compiled it successfully.
But when I run the project, there is something wrong in the ShaderCompilingThread. See the screenshot below.
Who can help me? Thanks a lot.
my Xcode version is 7.3 and OS X is 10.11.4.
Hello YunjinZhang,
Have you attempted opening the project via the .uproject file? What messages are you given in this case? If it is mentioning a particular binary file in the output log, can you see if that binary file is present in your Binaries folder?
hello ,
I try to open a project via UnrealEngine-4.11.0-release/Samples/StarterContent/StarterContent.uproject, and then the engine begin to initialize. But the loading window is closed instantly and has no crash report when it loads to 40%.
I suggest attempting to compile the ShaderCompilerWorker directly and then check your binaries folder in your 4.11 build to see if the binaries that it generates are being built.
You should see something similar to this in the Engine > Binaries > Mac folder
This is from Windows but it should show you the names of the files you’re looking for.
Thanks for your suggestion!! I have solved this problem.