Failed to reimport: (name) (StaticMesh); "Reimported Asset" section - grey


Some of the fbx assets in my project cannot be reimported. Dragging the file into content browser triggers the error. “Failed to reimport: (name) (StaticMesh)”. I tried to be smarter and reimport it with options when you right click the file, but the “Reimported Asset” section is greyed.

I can’t really find the pattern of it, some of the assets has this section greyed, some of them not. I’m not sure but maybe the greyed one were merged

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Hello, I had the same problem as you, open the broken asset and check for source file under asset details, you’ll have to reput it manually if it’s null, you should be able to reimport after this.


Thanks SeRroz, the Unreal community is awsome

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When i click the button to navigate to the new source file, it doesn’t do anything :frowning:

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