Failed to Reimport: helicopter (ObjectRedirector)


I kept getting this error when drag and dropping a “helicopter.FBX” file (FBX 2014/2015), exported from 3ds Max 2017 SP3. It was a skeletal mesh, with stubby bones set up at the rotors and parented to a central bone.

I even enabled a “Show Redirectors” filter in the content browser, but I didn’t see anything in that folder (I was expecting some sort of “ghost” file or a reference of some kind).

Edit: A few minutes after I started writing this, I tried dropping it into a different folder this time (into the “Textures” folder instead of the “Meshes” folder), and the import window showed up this time. Hmmm… What, exactly, did I do wrong the first time? I just know it’s gonna bother me. I mean, I wasted half an hour googling for a problem that just doesn’t make any sense. Is this a bug in UE 4.17.1?

It seems to be just keeping old files around.

Right clicking your folder where you have this problem and selecting “Fix Up Redirectors in Folder” seems to fix it in my case.