Failed to open project! Missing modules

My project did not compile the lighting due to this problem: " Lightning build failed. Swarm failed to kick off. Compile Unreal Lightmass. "… I found a topic on the forum that recommended deleting the cache from the “SwarmCache” folder… I did that. But before I made a copy of the cache files thinking it would be safe… when trying to open the project, I get an alert that the modules are missing… I try to do a rebuild but it fails! I tried to return the files to the folder, but still the error “… could not be compiled. Try rebuild from source manually”… but I don’t have visual studio files because I was creating only using blueprint! Help me guys, I’m afraid of losing 1 month of work!!! How i can resolve this???

When i try generate project files for visual studio, i receive this msg:

Running E:/UE_4.27/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“E:/Unreal Projects 4/HutForest/HutForest.uproject” -game -rocket -progress -log=“E:\Unreal Projects 4\HutForest/Saved/Logs/UnrealVersionSelector-2022.07.01-01.41.39.log”
Discovering modules, targets and source code for project…
While compiling E:\Unreal Projects 4\HutForest\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\HutForestModuleRules.dll:
e:\Unreal Projects 4\HutForest\Intermediate\Source\HutForest.Build.cs(3,14) : error CS0101: O namespace ‘’ j? cont?m uma defini??o para ‘HutForest’
e:\Unreal Projects 4\HutForest\Intermediate\Source\HutForest.Target.cs(3,14) : error CS0101: O namespace ‘’ j? cont?m uma defini??o para ‘HutForestTarget’
ERROR: Unable to compile source files.

Problem solved guys!

Hey @ZanettiGameplay!

What was the solution to your problem? It would be great to know just in case someone else runs into the same problem.