I am using the 4.7.4’s UE version, on the Epic games laucher.
And I have versions issues.
After few houres working on a project, I save it and quit.
Then, I can’t anymore open the project and the following message pops up : ‘Failed to open map file. This is most likely because the map was saved with a newer version of the engine.’
Is there a newer version than 4.7.4 ? …
I’ve located my ‘autosave’ files but I don’t know how to use them.
Thanks for helping.
Hey Conflit412,
Try going into the Launcher and using the ‘Verify’ option under the current engine version.
Verify Engine Version

If this option does not work, what you can do is start the editor using the ‘Launch’ option through the Epic Games Launcher. Then create a new blank blueprint project and open one of your auto-saved projects through the File menu.
Let me know if either of these suggestions worked for you, or if you need further assistance.
Thank you,
thanks for the fast treatment of my issue,
however none of these sugestions did work. I tried to use autosaves but with no result.
I’ve seen today an update on the launcher for UE 4.7.4, that I’m currently downloading. I will start again my project on the latest version, hoping that probleme won’t come again 
Hey Conflit412,
Ok. Let me know if you need assistance or if you managed to get this issue to happen again, provide me with some repro steps?