I need help ASAP on this , i have looked up and seen what other people have said about this but it either doesn’t work or i don’t understand , some people say open project and open umap for backup , if i can’t open project which i can’t because of this problem i can’t do that. I would like to know how to open a back up because i can’t seem to and looking it up has returned no results. I would like to be able to get back to work and finish so i don’t have to use this buggy software too much longer , thank you
Which version of engine are you using?
4.6.0 but it doesn’t even matter anymore software decided it would start verifying and stay at 13% for 9 hours
software? Anyways, opening a map from a newer version can always lead to unexpected issues, engine is backward compatible but forward compatibility is nearly impossible, thing of a new type that is present in new version but not in old one.
@eXi: It converts map in that case, that is what I meant with backwards compatibility Sorry if I misspelled it a bit ^^
i went on unreal to see how if i could try and access my work again and it started verifying and got stuck on 13%
I don’t think that it is backwards compatible. If you try to launch a 4.6 Map in 4.7, you will need to upgrad it to 4.7.
Hi gringemob,
Was project you were trying to open in 4.6.1 originally made in a newer version of engine (4.7 Preview, for example), or one compiled from source code (through GitHub)? Or was it originally made in 4.6.1?
You mention going on Unreal to access your work… Do you mean that you tried to open it through Launcher? Did you attempt to verify engine first, or otherwise try to upgrade engine or download something that is causing it to verify a download?
Please be very explicit about what is happening and what you are trying to do, and we’ll help you get it going again. Thanks!
Hi gringemob,
We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I am marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this issue and can provide details requested above, please let us know and we’ll continue looking into it. Thanks!