Failed to open descriptor!

hi everyone
i have an android and pc project that run with no problem building it with old android settings (apk+obb)
now that i changed building settings with google bundle (.abb) new standard, i have this issue and on phone i read “failed to open descriptor file…/…/app.uproject”
can anyone help me? i had to ship this up in 27th for payiment…it’s very late for me!
can be a settings problem?

problem solved
adding this : android:requestLegacyExternalStorage=“true”
on project settings

I got this to work on 4.26.2 by targeting to SDK 30 in the android settings since that’s required but having it use android-29 for ndk and matchndk in sdk in the android SDK settings

i’m finding again this problem just right now
i tryed differents solutions includind the one mentioned above
now i think my problem is the android studio version i updated
so i’m istalling the previuos version (4.0)
i will update you if this solve the problem