Failed to open descriptor file error

I’m having the same problem:

-I I get the Failed to open descriptor file error

-I I run 4.9.2

-I It’s a pure blueprint project

-I The directory WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Binaries only contains the folder ThirdParty

Any ideas what the problem might be?

It turns out I simply had to rename the uproject file and the folder to the names in the error message to get it to work.

Does anyone else have a solution or idea for this?
Using 4.8 with pure blueprint and it still comes up with the error when i try to open exe after doing a shipping build

Same problem here.

This works for me:

Go to

“UE4Game-Win32-Shipping” or “UE4Game-Win64-Shipping” in my case, rename it to your project name, which should be the same as in /WindowsNoEditor/YourProjectName.uproject

This works for me:

Go to

“UE4Game-Win32-Shipping” or “UE4Game-Win64-Shipping” in my case, rename it to your project name, which should be the same as in /WindowsNoEditor/YourProjectName.uproject

Then launch your game from WindowsNoEditor\Engine\Binaries\Win64\YourProjectName.exe

Sweet yeah that works for me on my computer, however:
Do you know if it works on another computers? (As a shipping build)
and what files are required for it to run, if I wanted to zip it up.

Yes, it works, I tested this on two more computers, as long as you have the UE4 prerequisites installed.

Since I have hit this issue myself with 4.10.1 just today after uninstalling an old version of VS2013 and adding common tools + C++ to VS2015 I wanted to share my findings.

I an using the “Project Launcher” to make my deployment as detailed here…

I have not modified any of the project setting build options (It’s a little confusing how you have both project setting build/package options and the “Project Launcher”?)

Yesterday (Pre VS2015) I could build the “Shipping” deployment with no issues. Today (VS2015) its a no go.

I have found that the following is true. (Assume my project is called “Project” for the following)

The file “Project\Saved\StagedBuilds\WindowsNoEditor\Project.exe” creates an instance of “Project\Saved\StagedBuilds\WindowsNoEditor\Project\Binaries\Win64\Project-Win64-Shipping.exe” and this instance throws the error “Failed to open descriptor file. '…/…/…/Project-Win32-Shipping/Project-Win32-Shipping.uproject”

After spending some time looking the UE4 source code I came to the conclusion that the “Project-Win64-Shipping.exe” that is being instanced is using its own file name to determine the project name and in turn the path to the “.uproject” file. Unfortunately since the file name of the “.exe” is not “Project.exe” it cannot find it.

I then tested this out by changing the file name from “Project-Win64-Shipping.exe” to “Project.exe” and ran it directly, bypassing the other tiny “Project.exe” file a couple of directories above. Low and behold the renamed file ran fine and did not throw the infamous “Failed to open descriptor file” error.

The only remaining issue after doing this was that the file “Project\Saved\StagedBuilds\WindowsNoEditor\Project.exe” now throws a new error about not being able to find the “Project-Win64-Shipping.exe” file since I have renamed it.

The issue does not happen with a development build since the output file is named correctly “Project\Saved\StagedBuilds\WindowsNoEditor\Project\Binaries\Win64\Project.exe” allowing the “.uproject” file to be found and the smaller “Project.exe” file to instance it.

The issue is also resolved by renaming the project folder and “.uproject” file from “Project” to “Project-Win64-Shipping” but this is very ugly and I refuse to accept this as the true solution.

I think the “UnrealBuild” tool is at fault, but I have not debugged it.

Just my findings, not an answer but hopefully helps get to one.

I have the same error today, with a simple Project. If you have any clues, I’ll try to reproduce them with my project. (I’m on 4.10.1)

Do you have any code added to your project?
If not, please try this: add a new class to the project (File->New C++ Class). Just click next next next… till it’s done. If it’s failing to compile, close project, delete intermediate directory, generate VS studio files. Then open project again and do a new shipping build.
this solved the problem for me!

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btengelh, nicely done buddy!!

I added a C++ class (MyClass) after a couple of screens it threw an error when compiling so I then closed the project. Did a backup of the project folder. Deleted the “Intermediate” folder. Then upon opening the project I got an error about DLL’s missing and was asked to rebuild them, I did this then refreshed the VS project files. Now the project builds the “Project-Win64-Shipping.exe” but no longer throws the error!!!

Fantastic work buddy!

Moral of the story, add a C++ class to your projects!

Edit : Forgot to say I regenerated the VS project files.

I followed @'s post and instead of seeing my project i seen a file named Crash Report Client

This still happens with 4.10.2. I have to manually rename the executable each time (remove the “-Win64-Shipping” by hand).

i have the same problem on win64 directory i have just a file “crashReportClient”
Have you got an idea ?

Thanks all


Please post a new AnswerHub question with full details for additional assistance, thank you!

Same problem here…
I don’t get it, that it’s still not fixed.


Please post a new AnswerHub question with full details and any necessary so we can assist you further, thanks!

I’ve written a short bat file that should save you time. Just needs a small edit for project name and change the extension to .bat. Hope this helps!
[Attached to my answer here][1].

.uproject missing after packaging - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums

Same problem here, and i had solve this problem


  1. uninstall all your download plugin (in my case substance plugin is problem )
  2. open you project and build again

its worked