when launching Unreal 5 via Visual Studio Quick Launch on Android 30 does not work with Permission Enabled.
Any solution yet?
Google Playstore requirements is Android 10 and most app feature wont work if I package using target sdk 29, 30 or 31.
Any solution yet?
Google Playstore requirements is Android 10 and most app feature wont work if I package using target sdk 29, 30 or 31.
same issue… 4.26.2
Hello, i managed to fix this issue for 4.26.2
This is what i did.
- Uninstall SDK 31 from android studio 4.0
- Make sure you have 29.0.2 SDK version under “android SDK Build-Tools 31” in android studios
(Check the box “show package details” if youre not seeing any other than build tools 31) - Now manage to your project settings, under platforms - android SDK, make sure that your SDK API Level is set to “android-29”
- Go to platforms - android then change “target SDK Version” to 29.
I’ve also removed the android:requestLegacyExternalStorage=“true”, since this did nothing.
Check out my answer below.
In my case,
UE 4.27.0
Device: Piexl 3 (Android 11)
refer to: Android 11 中的存储机制更新 | Android 开发者 | Android Developers
- set “target sdk version” to 29
- add attributes {android:requestLegacyExternalStorage=“true”} to node in AndroidManifest.xml
then it work good
Have you tried uploading to the store using this solution? I am trying to get a new app up there, and it is saying I am required to target SDK 30, which (after a bit of digging) negates your solution unfortunately (see the caution bubble Android storage use cases and best practices | Android Developers)
Any solution to this which does not involve targeting SDK 29? New app uploads to the Play Store require the app to target SDK 30…
Same Here, Lumber Is Starting To Look REALLLLLLL Good From Here, This is Ridiculous, Googles Constant Demand For “Apis” Useless Numbers And Unreals Lack Of Focus On Devs, Just Not Making Me Happy