After updating UE4 I am not able to package and run my project anymore.
When I try to run the project *.exe I get the error “Failed to open descriptor file …/folder…/project.uproject”.
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I have the same issues on 4.7.6.
Same issue here on 4.8.3. Can’t find any clues on the forum…
Another forum post suggested going into the “projectname/binaries/Win64” directory of your built/cooked project folder and change the exe name to not include ‘-win64-shipping’ - EG: make sure its the actual name of your project. That worked perfectly for me. Has something to do with a bad linker setting/action in the final build process that makes the exe file.
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BTW: this is the forum post describing what causes this error: Failed to open descriptor file error - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums