Hello! good afternoon everyone,
So i’m eating up my lunch while my laptop is opening Unreal Engine 4.25 because i’m in the middle of doing my work on unreal so i don’t shut it down, but suddenly my laptop bringing a loud noise and then after a couple of sec my laptop was shutted off.
After that, when i try to turn on my laptop again and open up my unreal project, theres a warning says “Failed to load map! .umap appears to be an asset file” and after i close the popup, my maps turn all black, theres nothing on it.
I’ve tried to look the answers on the forum, i try to change the default map in the project settings and I realized that theres no startup.umap on the list, but theres untitled.umap which is all black when i open up.
How am I supposed to do? I’m really confused right now because i really need that file and don’t know what to do to recover it up.
My laptop spec is:
MSI GS75 Stealth 10SGS
NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2080 super with Max-Q Design
Intel Core i9-10980HK @2.40GHz (16 CPUs)), ~3.1GHz