'Failed to load assets' UE5.0

Hello, there was a problem, I can’t open the level or interact with it somehow, not when I click on the level file (in UE) it knocks out this error, when I right-click or left-click, when I try to rename this file, nothing happens and knocks out error (all this in UE).
MessageLog says the following:
Unable to load package ‘/Game/Maps/NewFolder/camping’. The end of package tag is not valid. Check that the file is of the expected type and not corrupted.

What did I do? That actually seems to be nothing, I opened my project, switched to the “camping” level I needed (here it is with which I have this problem), something was bugging me, so I left unreal and relogged and now this error has already arisen.

I hope that this can be somehow corrected, because there is my work for the last few months. I will be very grateful))

No one will tell?

I have the same problem. No action is possible with this file. migrate, duplicate, rename does not work.

Did you get it fixed?

i got the same error but with a megascan asset, does anyone know a fix?

i did some digging, i had an older version of my project and the asset works fine. so its not the asset itself corrupted, its not communicating properly with the project itself. i could delete the asset and redownload it again but i’d have to replace it everywhere where it was, i’d be redoing everything. is there someway i could get it working without reinitiating everything? something with these tags? i got it right after the engine crashed, is there someway i can restore before that point?

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Running into the same thing if anyone sees a fix. Using the free Hillside Sample package and getting this in 5.2-
“Unable to load package ‘/Game/Megascans/3D_Plants/NativeViolet/T_NativeViolet_BC_02’. The end of package tag is not valid. Check that the file is of the expected type and not corrupted.”

The asset is present, but not working while just about everything else imported perfectly.

Greetings @azterisk

Welcome to the Unreal Engine Forums! I pulled a post of some members who had this same issue and found a fix for it. Here’s a link to that post. Try the steps there. If it doesn’t resolve it, post back here and we’ll look into other options.

I turn off the "Enable Auto Save“ in Editor Preference, so this method doesn’t work,is there any other options?

Having the same issue. Just upgraded to 5.2.1 and the persistent level map is throwing this error. File formats on both the level and build data are fine. I have autosave switched on, but it hasn’t saved the map. So that’s a dead end.

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any fixes for these issues???

were you able to fix your problem or no. it seems like my issue came after the creator of some assets I was using changed the file name and it’s like UE5 had a heart attack… honestly, I just want to get to creating some films so if you could please help me out here I’m kind of at a plateau rn…

Here’s how you can resolve “The end of package tag is not valid” or “Invalid value for PACKAGE_FILE_TAG at start of file” if your project has git LFS enabled. I’ve exclusively encountered this issue when cloning projects from github.

  1. Close your project and check if it has git LFS active (check your .gitattributes in your top level project directory).
  2. If it does… open up your command line and CD into your project directory and type in to the terminal git lfs pull. Upon successful execution of this command, it doesn’t output anything into the terminal.
  3. Open up your unreal project and you should notice that you’re able to access your file.

Solid find! Thank you for the information added!