Failed to find shader map for default material WorldGridMaterial!

Hello everyone! I´ve posted this question on an existing thread in “Bug Reports” since the was having exactly the same problem. But i dont think this is a bug but something i am missing. Anyways nobody could help this guy so i am posting again in the correct section…

I am trying to pack a simple architectural interior level. Everything runs ok while on the editor, no errors when building and no errors when packing the game. The problem comes out when we try to run the .exe file. I´ve attached a screen capture showing the error. I think we´ve tried almost everything, we´ve also merged all meshes, textures and materials into a new blank project with no success.

Hope someone could help us solve this. Let me know if theres any other relevant info i can give you so you can give me a clue of what´s happening.

Thank you all!!


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I’m also getting this error.

[Launch log][1]

Here is someone else with the same problem:

Edit 1:

Hi Syneh. I think we found a solution for our problem…at least we could run our packages without any issues. The problem was solved since we restore default values on “Lighting” settings, under “Project Settings” >>> “Rendering”. We were turning off static lighting since our illumination was completely burned in 3dsMax, so we didnt need any Unreal Lights in our scene…

I´m attaching an image showing the parameters that we have to left by default. Let me know if this solves your problem too so i can report it as a Bug.


Edit 2:
I managed to fix this by creating a new project and adding content from the old project to it. Packaged it and it’s working fine now.

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Thank you. Yes, this fixed it.

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Im glad to hear that. It would be great if someone from the staff could tell me if this thread is enough to let them know about this issue or if i should create another thread under “Bug Report”.

(Sorry about my english…if something of what im writing is not clear just let me know so i can explain myself with other words)



Thank you for your report. We were not able to investigate this on the engine version you reported, but there have been many version changes to UE4 since this question was first posted. With a new version of the Engine comes new fixes and it is possible that this issue has changed or may no longer occur. Due to timetable of when this issue was first posted, we are marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported in the current engine version, then please respond to this message with additional information and we will investigate as soon as possible. If you are experiencing a similar, but different issue at this time, could you please submit a new report for it.


I have same problem on 4.7.3 Binary version.
I’m trying to pack for Android device and it occurs when it is run on device.

I attached .


35403-logcat.txt (30.2 KB)
[2]: (520 KB)

Howdy JakeChoe,

Thanks for the information about the issue that you have been experiencing. We has had other users experience issue with the WorldGridMaterial and have written Report UE-12213 to track this issue.

A fix for the issue has been checked in yesterday (not verified yet) but should be placed into an upcoming release of UE4. I am unsure as to when or what version this fix will be implemented but I will be sure to keep you posted as I know more.


It’s almost a year later and I’m seeing the same bug (using ADB Logcat) in UE4 4.10. It seems to be the reason my Android build is failing.

UE-12213 was fixed in 4.7. If you feel that this issue is still occurring, it would be best advised if you created a new AnswerHub post with full details and any additional files/ that would be necessary for investigation.


I fixed it on Unreal 4.26.2

project settings → platforms → your platform’s material quality, turn OFF Discard Quality During Cook.

I hope it works fo you too. Good luck!

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Disabling Share Material Shader Code in packaging settings appeared to help for me. Credit to Hackermans from Unreal Slackers for the tip.

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This issue has been popping up for me ever since upgrading to 5.5. None of the tips in this thread worked. Anyone have a fix?

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Can confirm, I’m seeing this with 5.5.2 on Linux …

Also happening for me on Ubuntu using UE 5.5.2

Project packaged and executed just fine using UE 5.3, but on 5.5.2, even though cooking and packaging is successful the app cannot be started on Linux.

Just a quick update. I finally got it working although I do not fully understand the cause of the problem.

  • In ProjectSettings under Platform/Linux I disabled Vulkan SM5 support (in our project SM5 is not required and it is fine to have only SM6 enabled, you might not wanna do that in your project if you are targeting older hardware.)

  • In ProjectSettings under Project/Packaging I disabled Share Material Shader Code. With this disabled, shader code is now packaged for each material in the project instead of in individual files. This increases the final package size.

Not happy with this solution but for now it will have to suffice.

Unfortunately this doesn’t work for me. The cooked build just crashes on startup:

LogCore: Assertion failed: IsValid(Platform) [File:Runtime/RHI/Public/DataDrivenShaderPlatformInfo.h] [Line: 221] 

0x0000000008e1f6c2 BugsWithAfterburners!PlatformCreateDynamicRHI()()
0x0000000008e1e70f BugsWithAfterburners!RHIInit(bool)()
0x000000000bbf1b73 BugsWithAfterburners!FEngineLoop::PreInitPreStartupScreen(char16_t const*)()
0x000000000bbe30bc BugsWithAfterburners!FEngineLoop::PreInit(char16_t const*)()
0x000000000bbeaf40 BugsWithAfterburners!GuardedMain(char16_t const*)()

Also, the editor won’t start. It complains that “A Feature Level 5 video card is required to run the editor.” I’ve used SM6 in the past on this same computer, so hardware support isn’t the issue.

Edit: It turns out that both the editor and the packaged build will run if they are launched with the “-sm6” flag. Is there anything that could be forcing them to try and load (the disabled) SM5 by default?

After further experimentation, it turns out that disabling SM6 works as well. Also, disabling Share Material Shader Code isn’t necessary.

In summary, to fix the issue, disable either SM5 or SM6, and in the former case, pass in the -sm6 command line option.

Thank you for sharing your findings. I would like to understand if this issue originates from the engine or the project. If I have some free time, I am going to check if this is somehow reproduceable with a clean project.