Failed to find object 'Object None.None' only in Build

Hello there,

when loading a savegame I got

LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to find object 'Object None.None'

But this only occurs in the Build, which makes it hard to track the issue. It even isn’t a issue because there is no effect on the gamplay, everthing seams working as intended.

My Project is mostly build of Blueprints, so as the savegame construct, which is an array with multiple player characters.
Each Character is made of:

  • A reference to its class
  • serveral floats
  • a ID to have a unique identifier
  • Arrays which are stores thier skill-sets, Picked colors, etc. which also containing sub arrays
    All variables (includes arrays and sub-arrays) are marked as ‘savegame’

What makes this even harder is: the savefiles are loaded on the server, not the clients.

But every feature I implemented worked so far. Multiple players can have multiple characters and everything is saved and loaded.

In the editor this does not occur in the message log.

How can I ensure that the editor have the same loglevel has the build?

Hey! Did you ever figure this out? I’m having the same error - trying to load from a save file - an array of blueprints, and some strings.

Sadly not.

I read something about that this is maybe caused by arrays and how you initialize them.

I did the worst and disabled this error because it made the log file hard to read. (shame on me!) I didn’t test this after the update to UE5, but all of my logic works as it should.

In theory, this should be solvable by initialize every array/variable/struct (structs cannot be null/empty?) before store them.

I was adding a varest json object into the struct that I was saving, and sometimes I wasn’t populating it. I’ve since put a single bool into that, and not I’m not seeing the errors.

I have the same issue on my game. Strangley it only happens when i create or load the menu widget. It also slows down opening the widget. I don’t know how many times your error comes up but i get this error over 1000 lines in my log. Im lost too on how to resolve this

This is probably too late to help the above, but for anyone reading this here you go.

The issue is storing objects(actors) in a save game file. IE actor variables that have a reference to an actual actor in game, on a map.

This may sound like it should work, and it can and does, but for whatever reason UE forgets them when loading that save file, from time to time. Then you will get the None.None errors.

I’ve found the best remedy is to create GUID’s for your actors that you store and save their GUID’s as well. So if the reference to the actor goes missing, you can recreate the reference with a find all actors and search for the GUID(s) of the missing actor(s) and resave them.