When I launch the game, I get this warning message, and am not able to launch the game. I have no clue what the problem is. I post my output log here. One contains all output log, the other contains output log without messages (only warnings and errors).
I found that the problem is from a plugin called Allright Rig. I am using Beta 1.2 of it. I also tried to make a blank project with only Allright Rig enabled and nothing else, it also failed to launch the game. So I am sure there is something wrong in it, but I don’t know.
I’m not sure if this helps but it’s worth mentioning. There is currently an issue in Unreal Engine that hasn’t been resolved that might be the same thing as your log message there. As for your project not compiling something that might be worth a try is to just restart the editor. Sometimes these issues can randomly appear in my experience.
I later used Maya to make animations, and it works well, so my problem is resolved.