Failed to find object 'Class None packing error Unreal V 4.13

hello guys im haveing this packing error since i upgrade unreal to v13.4 and install the visual studio 2015, even if a made a new project whit basics meshes and material etc… i dont have any idea how to fix this
thnks for the help

guys im lost in this i have noooo idea how to fix this i uninstal and reinstal visual and still happens :confused:
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Hello andresmedia,

The main error in your log seems to be:

UnrealBuildTool: c1xx: fatal error C1083: No se puede abrir el archivo intermedio para compilador: 'Z:\CREATIVE\DISE?‘OS\3D\UNREAL\VR\vr1\Intermediate\Build\Win64\vr1\Development\UELinkerFixups\UELinkerFixupsName.h.pch’: No such file or directory

which could be caused by the unrecognized symbol in your file path, in the folder name: DISE?'OS (also referred to as DISE�OS elsewhere in the log). Could you try changing this folder name to something without special symbols?

o Sr. ty so much yeah that was the solution :heart: :heart: ty ty