Hello, i have a problem with a dx11 packaged project that works fine in dx12 instead, the more noticeable line in the log it’s the final line:
[2023.07.14-23.41.52:146][624]LogD3D11RHI: Error: Failed to create shader resource view for buffer: ByteWidth=1596 NumElements=798 Format=R16_UINT
[2023.07.14-23.41.52:146][624]LogD3D11RHI: Error: Direct3DDevice->CreateShaderResourceView failed with error E_INVALIDARG
at D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11UAV.cpp:210
I have a trigger to spawn a propagating fire actor, i have a custom material that i’m using in all the niagara emitters around the map, a pretty simple masked one.
The game crash after short time the spawn it’s called, no matter if the flames are in view or none. If i don’t spawn it the game don’t crash.
I have a culling on most lights and particles, a direct visibility shouldn’t be the issue since it happen no matter the particles are in view or on the other side of the map completely culled.
It happen in dx11 only, the dx12 version works perfectly fine.
I’m at a loss since i don’t even know what it means and what a Shader Resources view it’s, someone can help me?