Failed to cast to custom HUD class

In my multiplayer game, attempting to get the HUD and cast it to my custom HUD class fails on the Host when their is more than one player after seamless travel. It works fine on singleplayer and in a player in editor session (no seamless travel). This is the blueprint:

Hey laserbeam897,

In a multiplayer game, getting Player Index 0 will only ever return that one Player Controller, which will cause an issue if there is more than 1 player, as every Character will look for Player Controller 0 instead of theirs. You can get around this by using the “Get Controller” node and casting that into the “Player Controller” before getting HUD.

Also, HUD is client side only. Make sure when you are getting the HUD, you are doing so from the client. This is usually done by using a “Switch has Authority” node and choosing “Remote”