Failed to build UnrealBuildTool: Binary file instead of text file

I am new to UE and am trying to install 5.0.3 via source. I have successfully ran Setup.command but when I try to generate project files in the Terminal I get several of these errors.

CSC : error CS2015: ‘/Volumes/UE/UnrealEngine-5.0.3-release/Engine/Source/Programs/Shared/EpicGames.Core/._MessageTemplate.cs’ is a binary file instead of a text file [/Volumes/UE/UnrealEngine-5.0.3-release/Engine/Source/Programs/Shared/EpicGames.Core/EpicGames.Core.csproj]

Then after a long list of similar messages, my terminal says:

GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: Failed to build UnrealBuildTool

I tried it with the GenerateProjectFiles.command and and get the same error.

I don’t believe I did anything to change any files from text to binary. Honestly not entirely sure what that means or how I would do that.

I’d appreciate any help I can get.

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SAME for me on Macbook air m1

same in macbook pro 2019 … i clone engine to my protable ssd and build it

I ran into similar issue on my SSD. Turns out I only needed to run find /Volumes/T7/UnrealEngine-5.4/ -type f -name '._*' -delete to remove the binary files that are causing confusions

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thanks for this, solved it for me!