Failed to add precompiled binaries to builds

I’m using Perforce and Unreal Game Sync, and want to generate and upload the binaries. But Failed to finish the process, and don’t know what to do.

  1. This is the code added in UnrealGameSync.ini

  1. This is the command to generate and upload.
E:\Perforce\user4\SS2\UnrealEngine-4.27.1\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat BuildGraph -Script=Engine/Build/Graph/Examples/BuildEditorAndTools.xml -Target="Submit To Perforce for UGS" -set:EditorTarget=FP_FirstPersonEditor -set:ArchiveStream=//streamsDepot/Trunk/SS2/UnrealEngine-4.27.1/LocalBuilds/ArchiveForUGS/Perforce/ -P4 -submit

and the result of command

My purpose is to enable Sync PCBs. Thanks.

I changed the command param to


and get the result and upload the file automatically.

But the ‘Sync Precompiled Binaries’ option is still disabled