I’m using Perforce and Unreal Game Sync, and want to generate and upload the binaries. But Failed to finish the process, and don’t know what to do.
- This is the code added in UnrealGameSync.ini
- This is the command to generate and upload.
E:\Perforce\user4\SS2\UnrealEngine-4.27.1\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat BuildGraph -Script=Engine/Build/Graph/Examples/BuildEditorAndTools.xml -Target="Submit To Perforce for UGS" -set:EditorTarget=FP_FirstPersonEditor -set:ArchiveStream=//streamsDepot/Trunk/SS2/UnrealEngine-4.27.1/LocalBuilds/ArchiveForUGS/Perforce/++streamsDepot+Trunk-Editor.zip -P4 -submit
and the result of command
My purpose is to enable Sync PCBs. Thanks.