Failed Patrol Route

I been working on a basic Patrol route but having issue getting character to move from point to point, Can anyone help explain why?

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A few things are sticking out to me here
it would appear from the one image that your using a behavior tree and blackboard
Try overriding the function “Event Receive Execute AI”

Or simply verifying the Above works when attached to “Begin Play”

Make sure you have a nav mesh in your level if your using “AiMoveTo” seems to be my understanding

Next make sure your behavior tree is actually running

In class defaults of your character make sure the AiController class is set properly to the Ai controller you should have made

Setup the behavior tree controller and task

Behavior Tree:


This works flawlessly
all i have done that is not pictured here is put a NavMeshBoundsVolume in my level
you can visuallize the navigatable area by ai by pressing “P”

If this doesn’t solve your problem then it would mean you don’t have a valid vector in range of the NavMesh

you need a navmesh

or finally you cannot use AiMoveTo without it and will have to look at a different method of moving

Ex something simple i setup to show using Add Impulse another method of moving without navmesh
The resulting effect is every 1 second the player jumps

so you could get to the 1st point by adding impulse in the direction of the first point
rotate to face that direction get forward vector
Screenshot 2024-05-18 023022

Multiply this by how fast you wanna go
add some condition to check when your reasonably in range
find the next point and do the same

Also additional resources on the basics of how it all works

failing any of this extensive advice we’ll need more information :slight_smile:
Also worth noting make sure its a character type BP and not Pawn
If its Pawn make sure to do all the same things above but instead of having character movment component in the pawn you’d use FloatingPawnMovment
Screenshot 2024-05-18 024432
tested also works as jumping example or with AiMoveTo