I added a music track to a main menu scene via a sequence. How can I make the music fade out when the user hits the button to go to the next scene? Should I attach the music differently?
There are number of ways to make your sound fade out, but the simple one is to add your sound as a component using “Add Audio Component” node and choosing your sound track from the sound proprieties and then promote that as a variable to use it anywhere you can also make it public and then simply use “Fade Out” node on that audio component variable
I hope this works for you,
all the best
ok, So should I get rid of the audio track sequence in the level then if I am just adding it as a component?
I don’t know what you mean by audio track sequence and whether or not there is a way to fade out that (hopefully someone will tell you about that), but if you’re going to use audio component method from the blueprint you have to delete your audio sequence track otherwise the audios will overlap.
all the best