FaceFX Blendshapes

So I’m trying to use FaceFX in UE4 with models I made in Fuse and downloaded through Mixamo. Mixamo’s character’s are generated with facial blendshapes and I thought that that could work with UE4, but after following the tutorial’s steps exactly, the audio would play, but the face wouldn’t animate. The model animated perfectly in FaceFX, but after importing it to Unreal, it wouldn’t work. The slade example worked fine, however. Is this because Slade has a facial skeleton? Can I animate in UE4 with blendshapes?

I made all of the poses for the batch export out of Maya and I quadruple checked the animation blueprint and blueprint class in Unreal. Everything worked until I tried playing the animation in Unreal, so my best guess is that blend shapes don’t work with the FaceFX to Unreal plugins. Is this the case? Is there a way around this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.