Face Normal error on the eyelids of the metahuman?

Hello everyone,

I’ve encountered an issue several times during the process of creating my metahuman. I imported the Metahuman from Maya into UE5.3, everything seems fine except for areas of obscured skin such as eyelids or inner mouth. It appears to be a Face Normal error. I’ve checked it in Maya, and it had a similar issue but was fixed by unlocking normals and softening edges. However, it still doesn’t work when I re-import it into UE5. I’ve tried deleting and retrying it dozens of times with various methods but to no avail. I also haven’t used LOD, so I’ve deleted all unrelated LOD files, and this issue doesn’t occur on all Metahumans I’ve made, only on a few of them, but it still remains unresolved. Has anyone encountered and resolved this issue before? I would greatly appreciate it if you could share.