I’ve used FABRIK set as in the screenshots below to snap my hand to the gun grip, yet my left hand is somehow having a huge constant offset from it. the socket 100% exits and it’s position was checked with trace line.
the transform supplied to FABRIK node is world-transform also.

i could of course compensate the offset with vector math, but it seems as an additional work for the runtime to calculate and is ugly code.
what could cause it?
I’m having a similar issue
we found a solution in our case. We were getting the world positions of the sockets, and the evaluation of that seemed to be a frame behind. we re-worked it to component space and it worked a lot better.
thanks for cooperating!
i will try it soon.
by the way to make sure it’s clear, by “frame behind” do you mean it lags, or just works bad?
workaround (manual, annoying; but perfectly working)
in your specific weapon class, add a vector variable (constant) that is the location offset from mesh root to the grip location, and use it in your FABRIK.
sadly you will have to manually find this constant vector value for each weapon, which takes 2 minutes, but is a bad programming practise. i will be happy to know about any better solutions!