Specifically, these models only export directly to Unreal. You cannot download the raw FBX like you can with other models, and like you used to be able to in Mixer.
Norway Maple
Common Hazel
European Beech
European Hornbeam
European Black Alder
The assets are great but I can get away with using a really low LOD in some of my projects. It’s not possible to (easily) export a specific LOD within the engine. (This would be a great feature for the Static Mesh editor; export LOD as static-mesh like we can as skeletal-meshes). The next logical step would be to download source and work from there, but alas, with these very-nice trees, we cannot.
Hopefully the source files for these can be added or functionality within the editor to help tailor them to our needs.
Thank you, Epic, for your consideration of this comment.