Let’s forget all the issues FAB still has for now. The ratings and review system, AI slop flooding, etc.
First of all, I’m not really a web dev, so I don’t have any clue once so ever how hard or easy it would be to implement my suggestion, but here it goes:
We should have a better implementation of the uploading system of the new listings.
In my view, there is no reason once so ever for us to select a file format and them upload it into the system. How come we can’t just upload any files and let the system itself recognize its file formats? How hard would it be for us to just select everything we want in one go, and one tab appear for each file format? If there is any weird format being uploaded, just place them in Additional Files or say that X file was unable to being uploaded.
Isn’t this something that Artstation already does? Couldn’t the team repurpose the coding there to implement it on FAB?
It’s a tiny change, but would make the implementation of assets MUCH more user friendly.
FAB needs alot of work all around in my experience with it..
And MegaScans seems to be gone entirely as far as i can tell, a Search for something on Quixel will show different and most often in my experience better results
On very rare occasion i still use Quixel/Fab… Occasionally Art Station
But the change to FAB has moved me on to prefering none of them and Doubling down on learning Blender/Photoshop/SubstancePainter and just making whatever thing i needed myself
IMO they should have updated Quixel and just added another section to it for whatever they Made FAB for, best i can tell to try and compete with ArtStation and not be Unreal only type assets… A simple catagory or filter would have done them just fine such that you could search by format ( Unreal, FBX, etc )
It really should be this way… it’s clearly a possible thing as GoogleDrive does it and many other sites.. It’s essentially string parsing
substr( . )
if( FileTypeString === “fbx” )
Upload as FBX
Not Supported
That’s like half the work of it done for them right there
Overall the whole thing is kinda trash, but they seem to be trying to fix it in some regards at least, I woudn’t have called it release ready yet personally i would have left quixel opperational until FAB has the same features and whatever we tried to add