Fab should have a way to remove items from My Library

I want to remove some items from My Library. Fab should have a way to do this.

An ability to make a list of favorite items would also be great.


Thanks for that feedback, @TiltedSquare and @DerNischel .

We’re exploring options to better manage My Library (e.g., hiding products, sorting and filtering, and so on).

We’re also prioritizing a wishlist/favorite feature.


I would like to +1 this. I mistakenly added a couple of free, but AI generated assets to my library. I need to remove them because I can’t use those and I want to remove the risk mistakenly add them to any projects.


So, at the moment we cannot remove added assets to our library, correct? No way to remove them if i accidently added one that’s not compatible with the version I’m using for example, so I will never! use it, but it’s still in my library and I don’t want it there.


Having this feature is so incredibly obvious that I can’t fathom why it’s not in there already. It’s the very next thing that would pop into mind for every human being on the planet after putting in an “add to library” button. But instead the Executive VP of FAB was like “I’ve put in the add to library button, what next? Oh yes, a remove from library button. Wait, no I wont, game devs are used to going and screwing themselves on other things, another one won’t hurt. I’m off for golf”

I would prefer a “Hide from library” button.

Imagine paying 500$ for a great looking environment pack, then accidentally pressing “Delete from library”… I believe hide is better than delete, same outcome, but safer approach.

+1 for an option to hide unused stuff from library.

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