Fab Release Notes

Version: v0.274.0 → v0.283.0
Shipped to Production: 29 January 2025

3D Viewer and Editor - Improvements and Fixes

  • Implemented seamless animation loop (toggleable by the user, and implemented on previously migrated Sketchfab models as well as any models migrated in the future)
  • Allows to hide an animation (It won’t be visible in the timeline anymore)
  • The camera is now animated when the model is first displayed
  • Light selection and gizmos enhancements
  • Bug fix: The ground now updates when you change the orientation of a model
  • Bug fix: Fixed drag-and-drop textures in the editor on Safari

Website - Improvements

  • Added the ability to search for a Megascan listing using the asset’s Quixel ID.
  • The default focus upon loading Fab.com is now the search box, so you can start searching immediately without having to first click in the search bar.
  • When viewing listing pages on Fab.com that only offer a UEFN asset (and not personal or professional license tiers), you’ll now be shown a hyperlinked message (“Access it and open it from Unreal Editor for Fortnite.”) that provides a shortcut to open UEFN.

Website - Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the published date shown on listings was the date it was migrated to Fab and not its original publication date, leading to confusion in search when sorting by newest and oldest. Listings should now show their original publication date. The fix we released did not work as intended. We’re looking to address this in the coming weeks and will update you when it’s properly fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where the price tier ordering was not consistent for all listings. The order is now always: UEFN - Reference Only → Personal → Professional
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users in the EU from purchasing products from certain publishers.

Website - Publishing Portal [only affecting Publishers]

  • Fixed an issue where the “Unlist” option was enabled during some pending statuses, such as “pending approval”, leading to an error message. Now there is no option to unlist a listing when it is in a pending status.