Summary: Attempting to load the asset pack “Rideable Bikes: Sport Bike” with the FAB plugin shows “View in Launcher” instead of “Add to Project” when viewed in the FAB launcher. I am using Linux, so installing through the Epic Launcher is not an option. Other asset packs have the expected “Add to Project” option.
Type of bug: Issue with adding asset through FAB plugin
Bug URL:
Reproduction steps:
Purchase and add asset pack to library as normal. Open FAB plugin from project and navigate to asset pack in library. The asset pack page will read “View in Launcher” below the “Saved in My Library” checkmark.
Expected behavior: I can add the files from the asset pack to my project by clicking a button labelled “Add to Project”
Observed behavior: Clicking View in Launcher tries to open the nonexistent (and unavailable on my platform) Epic Games launcher
Platform and OS: Unreal Engine 5.5.3 with FAB plugin 0.0.4 on Arch Linux 6.12.13 LTS
Screenshot: attached, red box added for emphasis