Fab has an individual sale? Same as the old UE marketplace?
Hi @I.L.E.P . Great question - yes, Fab will allow individual sales similar to the UE Marketplace.
Does it mean all the free quixel content won’t be free anymore?
Hi @Grot13 . Here’s some info on what’s happening with Megascans: https://support.fab.com/s/article/Fab-Transition-FAQs
How request a individual sales on Fab ?
Individual Sales
- To request a discounted sale for one of their published products, publishers must submit a Fab Sale Case here at least two weeks before the intended start date of the sale.
- Products included in an individual sale cannot go on sale again until 30 days after the first sale ends.
- Products cannot go on sale until 30 days after their initial publishing.
This doesn’t work, below is the response I got.
Individual sales was 1 of the only ways to make any real money on the marketplace for those of us who would rather concentrate on art than marketing, and despite the 10 months of hard work I put into my recent release losing this feature has made creating fab/marketplace assets unsustainable. Regrettably I will make my exit for the foreseeable future, until things get better I’ll return to freelance starting 2025.
Great way to end the year .
Hi, any word on when this will happen?
I’d also appreciate any updates on when we can request an individual sale on Fab, just like we did on the Marketplace.
I don’t have a release estimate for you right now but I (or someone else from the team) will update you when we do
Thank you