Fab Gives Error in Application

When I try to open Fab in the application, it gives the error below. Even if I remove and re-add Fab in the plugin settings, it doesn’t fix the issue. It only opens on the website but not in the application.

Failed to load URL https://www.fab.com/plugins/ue5 with error ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (-105).

Every time I open the project, it gives errors for the materials I downloaded from Fab. Materials in shadowed areas started appearing black. It gives the same error even in the older backup files I saved.

M_MS_Foliage Material /Game/Fab/Megascans/Plants/Grass_Clumps_rbojr/Medium/MI_rbojr.MI_rbojr was missing the usage flag bUsedWithStaticLighting. If the material asset is not re-saved, it may not render correctly when run outside the editor. Fix
M_MS_Billboard Material /Game/Fab/Megascans/Plants/Grass_Clumps_rbojr/Medium/MI_rbojr_Billboard.MI_rbojr_Billboard was missing the usage flag bUsedWithStaticLighting. If the material asset is not re-saved, it may not render correctly when run outside the editor. Fix
M_MS_Foliage Material /Game/Fab/Megascans/Plants/Grass_Clumps_rbojr/Medium/MI_rbojr.MI_rbojr was missing the usage flag bUsedWithInstancedStaticMeshes. If the material asset is not re-saved, it may not render correctly when run outside the editor. Fix
M_MS_Billboard Material /Game/Fab/Megascans/Plants/Grass_Clumps_rbojr/Medium/MI_rbojr_Billboard.MI_rbojr_Billboard was missing the usage flag bUsedWithInstancedStaticMeshes. If the material asset is not re-saved, it may not render correctly when run outside the editor. Fix
Map check complete: 0 Error(s), 4 Warning(s), took 0,641ms to complete.
M_Default Material /Game/Fab/Glass_carafe__flagon_with_cork/glass.glass was missing the usage flag bUsedWithStaticLighting. If the material asset is not re-saved, it may not render correctly when run outside the editor. Fix
M_Transmission Material /Game/Fab/Incandescent_light_bulb/glass_outer.glass_outer was missing the usage flag bUsedWithStaticLighting. If the material asset is not re-saved, it may not render correctly when run outside the editor. Fix
M_MS_Base_Fuzz Material /Game/Fab/Megascans/3D/Lichen_Rock_rcjsg/Medium/MI_rcjsg.MI_rcjsg was missing the usage flag bUsedWithStaticLighting. If the material asset is not re-saved, it may not render correctly when run outside the editor. Fix
M_MS_Srf Material /Game/Fab/Megascans/Surfaces/Scratched_Metal_uh4obcnc/Medium/MI_uh4obcnc.MI_uh4obcnc was missing the usage flag bUsedWithStaticLighting. If the material asset is not re-saved, it may not render correctly when run outside the editor. Fix
